[DB-SIG] DB Programming Book Proposal

Bryan Richard cook@pyzine.com
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 09:34:40 -0700

[Marc wrote] 
>* various ways to access databases (depending on client and server platforms) and their differences 
Marc, thanks for the feedback. 
This is the approach I have been considering: win32com + ADO on MS w/SQL Server, zxJDBC + Jython on *nix w/mySQL, etc. Sort of a cookbook style focusing on databases. 
But if the response to this email is any indication of the level of interest for a publication on this topic, perhaps I should shelf this idea and consider another. 

 Be well, 
Bryan "cook" Richard cook@pyzine.com 
 Editor, Py 
|| Py 
|| Independent Print Zine for Python Developers 
|| www.PyZine.com 
|| Py Volume 01 Issue 01 - Out Now! 
|| The Inaugural Manifestation for the Sodality of the Snake. 
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-----Original Message----- 

Bryan Richard wrote: 
> Hi, 
> I'm putting together a proposal for a book on beginning database programming with Python. 
> Two questions: 
> (1) Do you think there is an audience for this material? 


> (2) What you like to see covered that would spark your interest or what are the base topics that *must* be covered. 

* various ways to access databases (depending on client and server 
platforms) and their differences 

* comparisons of implemented DB API extensions and data types 

* explain typical gotchas like dealing with Unicode data, 
handling unknown data types (e.g. user types), problems 
during connect and ways to work around them (all of these 
are usually DB API and database specific), decimal vs. Python 
floats etc. 

> Thanks in advance for any feedback. 
> Be well, 
> Bryan "cook" Richard cook@pyzine.com 
> Editor, Py 
> || Py 
> || Independent Print Zine for Python Developers 
> || www.PyZine.com 
> || 
> || Py Volume 01 Issue 01 - Out Now! 
> || The Inaugural Manifestation for the Sodality of the Snake. 
> || $3.00 US & $5.00 International 

When can we expect shipment of Py 01 (to Germany) ? 

Marc-Andre Lemburg 
CEO eGenix.com Software GmbH 
Company & Consulting: http://www.egenix.com/ 
Python Software: http://www.egenix.com/files/python/