[DB-SIG] Are there examples of "cursor" use?

Kevin Cole kjcole@gri.gallaudet.edu
Tue, 10 Apr 2001 19:53:13 -0400 (EDT)


I'm working with PostgreSQL and Python.  According to www.python.org,
D'Arcy J.M. Cain's pgsqldb.py implements the DB-API and after looking at
AMK's DB-API documentation, I've tried stuff like:

   import pgsqldb                                  (OK)
   db = pgsqldb.connect("my_database")             (OK)
   cursor = db.cursor()                          (Not OK)

That didn't work so I tried several other things and eventually tried:

   cursor = pgsqldb._cursor("my_database")         (OK)

but then stuff like cursor.execute("select * from my_table") doesn't
seem to work either.

So, is there any documentation for SQL novices or example that uses

 Kevin Cole                     |  E-mail:  kjcole@gri.gallaudet.edu
 Gallaudet Research Institute   |  WWW:     http://gri.gallaudet.edu/~kjcole/
 Hall Memorial Bldg  S-419      |  Voice:   (202) 651-5135
 Washington, D.C.  20002-3695   |  FAX:     (202) 651-5746