[DB-SIG] dbm to gdbm conversion

Patrick Ladam pl@tintin.smbh.univ-paris13.fr
Thu, 23 Nov 2000 15:13:07 -0800

Hi all,
I am a real newbie in python (and db too...) and so will ask what you 
will probably consider a dumb newbie question...
Here is the situation: I use a scientific soft that works both on
a unix and a linux platform. This soft uses dbm on unix and gdbm on
linux as you guessed.
thus I'd like to convert the dbm databases into gdbm databases (and
vice-versa) for exchangin data. 
I could not find any converting function in any module (dbm, anydbm, gdbm...)
and would like to know if that is doable and ...how to do it.


| Patrick LADAM                   | 				  |
| Laboratoire CSSB                |     THE BIG BANG THEORY:	  |
| UFR SMBH                        | 				  |
| 74 rue Marcel Cachin            |   In the begining there was   |
| 93017 Bobigny CEDEX             |        nothing at all.	  |
| e-mail: 			  |				  |
| pl@tintin.smbh.univ-paris13.fr  |      Then, it exploded...     |
| Tel: 01 48 38 77 26 / 76 85     |				  |
| Fax: 01 48 38 77 77		  |				  |