[DB-SIG] a little help please

Garrett Gradisar Garrett Gradisar <garrett@rage.x13.com>
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 11:21:21 -0700 (MST)

from pg import DB

x = pg.DB('ggroup', None, -1, None, None, 'ggroup', '*******')
#open connection to database ggroup, user ggroup, password deleted to
#protect me.

newq = 'select id,sname,lname,rcolor,weeks,whenw,blocksize,perweek '
newq = newq+'from require'

r = x.query(newq) # Get all data from table require in order

print r # the fields are in order here

print r.dictresult() 
#when I do this the fields are no longer in the currect order


why? what am I doing wrong, my sql query specifies the correct order and
when I print r, it looks fine, but then if i use dictresult() the order changes.

I need them in the correct order so I can print them in an html table.
