[DB-SIG] DCOracle direction/expectation

LD Landis ldl@LDL.HealthPartners.COM
Sun, 6 Aug 2000 21:48:46 -0500 (CDT)


Re: Short term DCOracle

  I'll likely do it... was reluctant because of not knowing what DC
  was going to do, and there is DCOracle-1.3.1 (beta), which indicated
  to me that there was something in the works.  I'm not planning to 
  go crazy or anything... but I can justify the time to do it...
  What is your recommendation?  Start with the 1.3.1 stuff?  Let me
  know how to plug-in to your process.

Re: Medium term DCOracle

  I guess that it sounds to me like we should consider DCOracle as
  beginning to enter its "sunset" years?  Therefore, don't invest too
  much, instead direct efforts at OCI8 (is that the new package name?)

  I do know that there's quite a bit of new stuff in 8.1, and I'm just
  beginning to move stuff to 8.1.6 (on AIX, and maybe some 8.0.6) from
  HP-UX, Tru64, OpenVMS and "Microsoft Windows NT" (complete rehosting,

  Is there any documented list of the the "serious issues" and what the
  "8i and beyond" means, from your perspective.

Re: Helping OCI8 and DB2

  I'm not sure just exactly how "forever long" we'll be doing Oracle,
  but I'd be very happy to help you (and again can justify the time)
  with your new OCI8 effort.  On my "justifable" radar screen is also
  IBM's UDB/DB2.

  Sure not interested in doing obviated or duplicate work (an that's
  the other "wonder of open source"... e.g. not being limited to "internal"
  secrets held by another, thereby we can work together for the good of
  ourselves and others).

> LD Landis [ldl@LDL.HealthPartners.COM] wrote:
> >   I was just wondering about the schedule of Digital Creations
> >   updating the exception handling of the DCOracle module to use
> >   objects rather than strings....
> Well, there are two issues:
> 1) Nothing is preventing someone else from doing the work, and
> submitting patches, or even distributing it themselves.  This is the
> wonder of Open Source.
> 2) We are working on a full replacement for DCOracle that is OCI8 only 
> (given some serious problems with 8i and beyond), however it is being
> done in our spare time, not as a funded project, and therefore has no
> fixed schedule.  We are, after all, a commercial company.
> I hope this helps.  Changing those two things in existing code
> shouldn't be that difficult, honestly, and should be doable by a
> competent programmer in a day.  If you happen to change them, please
> let us know, we'd love ot integrate the changes.
> Chris
> -- 
> | Christopher Petrilli
> | petrilli@amber.org