[DB-SIG] [summary] Connecting to MS SQL from Python

Michael McLay mclay@nist.gov
Wed, 17 Nov 1999 19:23:24 -0500 (EST)

Hrvoje Niksic writes:
 > * Find an ODBC driver for MS SQL, and use the excellent mxODBC module
 >   written by M.-A. Lemburg.  It turned out that finding a Linux ODBC
 >   driver for MS SQL is not an easy thing to do.  Which brings us to
 >   these four attempts:
... [list of options investigated]...

Your list did not include FreeODBC http://users.ids.net/~bjepson/FreeODBC/

The following was quoted from that page:


	MyODBC is an ODBC driver for mySQL. MyODBC compiles and works with
	iODBC 2.50.2 or later, and can be obtained from
 >   The problem with this is twofold: first, I'd need physical access to
 >   the NT machine, a compiler on Windows, Python on Windows, etc., and
 >   I have none of it.  Second, the performance of such a setup could
 >   prove to be a serious problem.  Python is no speed champion, and the
 >   overhead of all the serializations could prove fatal.  The OOB
 >   people at EasySoft did a lot of work to optimize their proxy, and
 >   they use C.  :-(

I haven't tried to compile mxODBC to work with the FreeODBC library
interface.  Has anyone else tried using it?