[DB-SIG] Need ctsybase that supports TEXT columns

John W. Shipman john@nmt.edu
Tue, 15 Jun 1999 16:53:38 -0600 (MDT)

Apparently the version of ctsybase we have here does not support
fields of type TEXT.  Attempts to fetch a row from a table
with such a field raises an exception that looks like this:

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "swinvdb.py", line 696, in all
    row     =  qr.next()
  File "syhelpers.py", line 988, in next
    rowTuple  =  self.cursor.fetchone()
SybaseError: ['long columns not yet supported', {'server': '', 'procedure': '', 'msgnumber': 5701, 'type': 'server', 'message': "Changed database context to 'john'.\012", 'line': 65535, 'severity': 10, 'sqlstate': 'ZZZZZ', 'state': 2, 'status': 6}]

Here's the top of the source file:

/* $Id: ctsybasemodule.c,v 1.9 1997/07/14 04:39:07 pgodman Exp $
   $Author: pgodman $

   Sybasemodule (ct-lib version), by Peter Godman, 1997

Is there a newer version of this same module that supports long
files?  If not, is there a free Python-Sybase interface that
does?  We're a state-supported college computer center and can't
afford any expensive proprietary interfaces.

John Shipman (john@nmt.edu), Applications Specialist, NM Tech Computer Center,
Speare 128, Socorro, NM 87801, (505) 835-5950, http://www.nmt.edu/~john
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