[DB-SIG] Solid and Python

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 23:45:45 +0200

Andrew M. Kuchling wrote:
> Cary Collett writes:
> >I'm thinking about using Solid Server (http://www.solidtech.com)
> >for a web project that will (of course!) use Python. I notice that
> >the Solid modules is on version 0.0.7 and seems to be about a year
> >old.
> >So, my question is, is it stable and otherwise usable? Can I call
> >stored procedures from it? Does it work with the current version
> >of Solid Server?
>         I'd be interested in knowing the answer to this question, too;
> I'm trying to decide on a database to use at work, and Solid is the
> best contender so far.  Version 0.0.7 of the Python module compiled
> just fine for me with Solid 2.3, though I haven't attempted anything
> serious yet.

Since Solid uses ODBC as native interface you can also use mxODBC.
It doesn't have direct support for calling stored procedure yet,
but depending on your requirements, passing an appropriate call
via cursor.execute() should give you the expected results (IN/OUT
parameters won't work though). Note that writing code using
stored procedures is likely not to be portable between different
SQL databases.

You can find more information on the mxODBC web page at:


A new version will be out soon, BTW.
Marc-Andre Lemburg                               Y2000: 436 days left
          : Python Pages >>> http://starship.skyport.net/~lemburg/  :