[DB-SIG] Re: Python and Oracle

cjr@euronet.nl cjr@euronet.nl
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 16:08:50 +0000 (WET)

My two cents, not with Oracle8 but seemingly related with Oracle7:

Using the libclntsh.so.1.0 that I have around for Oracle7.3.2.2 I can

Python 1.5 (#8, Jan 19 1998, 19:46:22)  [GCC] on sunos5
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
>>> import oracledb
>>> conn = oracledb.oracledb('siteboost/mypasswd@develop')
>>>                                                           i

But when prefixing this with http headers and running it as a CGI
script, I receive the dreaded ORA-01019-unable-to-allocate-memory-on-
the-user-side error. 
A search in the database newsgroups for the phenomenon indicated that
the error is presumed to result from mixing library versions. Well, I
did some weird permutations of the available stuff in the Makefile, 
running into ever different missing symbols.
On the other hand, it seems that my problem is caused by some ulimit
imposed by apache on CGI scripts.

I'm clueless and just about ready to talk my boss into shedding this 
oracle thing and stepping over to gadfly ;-).


> Hi: I thought I'd pass this to the db-sig in case any of you db folks
> missed it on the big list.
> I'm having a similar problem with /product/8.0.3/lib but my mystery
> symbol is skgupec.  Please help us aarons!  -- Aaron Watters
> ===
> Subject:      Re: Python and Oracle
> From:         aaron@infinity.com
> Date:         1998/02/10
> Message-ID:   <887076525.608567297@dejanews.com>
> Newsgroups:   comp.lang.python
> [More Headers]
> Hi --
> We ran into the same error as you did (unable to allocate memory on user
> side) when trying to use the python oracledb module with an oracle8
> server.
> We tried re-building the python oracledb module against the new set of
> oracle8 libraries and header files, and we then re-ran our test case.
> Unfortunately, *this* time around, we weren't even able to import the
> oracledb module!  We got a symbol relocation error -- the Oracle8
> sharedLib libclntsh.so.1.0 was looking for the symbol "slpmprodstab".  We
> couldn't seem to find this symbol anywhere!
> 2 questions: have you made any progress since December using Oracle8 with
> Python.  In particular, have you solved the "memory allocation" error you
> were seeing?  And have you run into the run-time linking error that we're
> seeing?  We would appreciate greatly any insight you have on this!
> Thanks!
> Aaron Hallmark
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DB-SIG  - SIG on Tabular Databases in Python

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