[DB-SIG] RE: oracle and python

Greg Stein (Exchange) gstein@exchange.microsoft.com
Wed, 29 Oct 1997 16:18:05 -0800

You accidentally clipped the line that said: foo = [ 47 ]

(i.e. it was a sequence)

-----Original Message-----
From:	roy@popmail.med.nyu.edu [SMTP:roy@popmail.med.nyu.edu]
Sent:	Wednesday, October 29, 1997 8:32 AM
To:	python-list@cwi.nl
Subject:	Re: oracle and python

Jefu! <jefu@k2.knowledge2000.com> wrote:
>   cur.execute("begin testprocs.t1(:1) ; end ; ",  foo ) ;
>  OracleDbError: EXECUTE caused a ORA-01008: not all variables bound

I make this mistake all the time!

The 2nd argument to execute() has to be a sequence, i.e. a tuple or
That's why it can't bind the variables.  Of course, it would be even
better if the oracledb module itself checked and returned a somewhat
useful error message :-) 

You want:

cur.execute("begin testprocs.t1(:1) ; end ; ",  [foo] )

The other variation on this which always catches me is that you can't
just do 
"(foo)" to turn it into a tuple.  You need to do "(foo,)".  This is way
ugly, so I just do "[foo]".

Roy Smith <roy@popmail.med.nyu.edu>
New York University School of Medicine
550 First Avenue, New York, NY  10016

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