[PYTHON DB-SIG] Socksifying oradbmodule

Shaun Lessman Shaun Lessman <slessman@mem.net>
Fri, 2 May 1997 16:15:53 -0500 (CDT)

Has anyone successfully socksified (SOCKS5) the oracle database module? I've
been playing around with it a bit without success. I'm guessing that's because
the actual connect procedures are in Oracle's libs and can't be socksified
externally. Too bad, because I've got a SOCKS5 replacement for the socketmodule
that works pretty well and can do just about everything except Oracle. Always
something to work toward, I guess. :)

Shaun Lessman
| Synapse, L.L.C.         | Network Administrator, Synapse Internet |
| 2620 Thousand Oaks Blvd +-----------------------------------------+
| Suite 2220              |  slessman@mem.net  |   (901) 797-8274   |
| Memphis Tennessee       +-----------------------------------------+

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