[PYTHON DB-SIG] more DB-SIG API clarifications...

Anthony Baxter arb@connect.com.au
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 17:39:49 +1000

The docs for fetchmany() say:

> Fetch the next set of rows of a query result, returning as a list of
> tuples.  An empty list is returned when no more rows are available. The
> number of rows to fetch is specified by the parameter. If it is None,
> the cursor's arraysize determines the number of rows to be fetched.

I'd like to make the following changes:

The second sentence should be changed to something like:

 A list that is shorter than the requested number of rows, or empty, 
 indicates that no more rows are available to be fetched.

(this is how the old, and my new, Oracle module behave and seems reasonable)

And a minor nitpick - the last sentence should be:

 If it is None or omitted, the cursor's arraysize determines the number of
 rows to be fetched.

People happy with this?


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