[Datetime-SIG] Calendar vs timespan calculations...

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Fri Jul 31 00:24:38 CEST 2015

On 07/30/2015 03:10 PM, Chris Barker wrote:

> By the way -- which __add__ actually does the implementation? datetime's or timedelta's ?

class timedelta:

     def __add__(self, other):
         if isinstance(other, timedelta):
             # for CPython compatibility, we cannot use
             # our __class__ here, but need a real timedelta
             return timedelta(self._days + other._days,
                              self._seconds + other._seconds,
                              self._microseconds + other._microseconds)
         return NotImplemented

timedelta only adds directly to other timedeltas; so datetime is doing the actual addition.


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