[Datetime-SIG] Local time disambiguation proposal

Alexander Walters tritium-list at sdamon.com
Thu Jul 30 20:15:16 CEST 2015

On 7/30/2015 14:08, Alexander Belopolsky wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 1:46 PM, Alexander Walters
> <tritium-list at sdamon.com> wrote:
>> '.is_dst' of one spelling or another is unambiguous;
> .. and is "clearly" defined by the POSIX standard as follows:
>   "A positive or 0 value for tm_isdst shall cause mktime() to presume
> initially that Daylight Savings Time, respectively, is or is not in
> effect for the specified time. A negative value for tm_isdst shall
> cause mktime() to attempt to determine whether Daylight Savings Time
> is in effect for the specified time." [1]
> Call me when you find two people who can agree on what this means.
> [1]: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/mktime.html
We are not talking about implementing the POSiX argument to mktime, and 
I dont think anyone on the list ever was.  .is_dst is a bool flag for 
'if set, the time represented is in the DST time, if not set, it is in 
the non-DST time'.

'.first' doesnt even imply a bool.  "First what?" someone might ask.

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