[Cython] cython 3 migration update and next releases

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Sun May 21 06:17:59 EDT 2023

Dima Pasechnik schrieb am 21.05.23 um 11:38:
> On Sun, 21 May 2023, 10:21 Stefane Fermigier, <sf at fermigier.com> wrote:
>> IFAIK, 15k lines of Cython makes it among one of the largest Cython
>> projects I'm aware of (I did some research a couple of years ago):
>> https://github.com/sfermigier/awesome-cython#some-projects-with-more-that-10-000-lines-of-cython-code
 > SageMath has 700K Cython lines, yet not mentioned.

Certainly worth mentioning, yes.

Looking at the numbers, I also noticed that lxml is listed in the 5-10k 
lines range. It actually has about 18k lines of Cython code (.pyx/.pxi 
files) and another 1.5k lines in compiled Python (.py) files, according to 
pygount [1]. I tried sloccount first, but that doesn't seem to have Cython 

Might be worth redoing that count for the other projects as well.


[1] https://pypi.org/project/pygount/

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