[Cython] cython 3 migration update and next releases

Stefane Fermigier sf at fermigier.com
Wed May 17 08:55:43 EDT 2023

On 17/05/2023 14:44, Lisandro Dalcin wrote:
> On Tue, 16 May 2023 at 22:10, matus valo <matusvalo at gmail.com> wrote:
>      The rationale is that the projects won't start really using
>     Cython 3 until we do the final release. Now, we have 3 big users
>     of Cython migrated, hence I think we have some confidence that
>     Cython 3 is ready. What do you think?
> I would not say that mpi4py is a big project, but it is around 15K 
> lines of Cython code, and it is also ready for Cython 3. I'll update 
> mpi4py requirements to `cython>=3` as soon as Cython 3 is released.

IFAIK, 15k lines of Cython makes it among one of the largest Cython 
projects I'm aware of (I did some research a couple of years ago):




Stefane Fermigier - http://fermigier.com/ - 
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