[Cython] cython 3 migration update and next releases

matus valo matusvalo at gmail.com
Tue May 16 15:09:52 EDT 2023

Hi All,

I would like to inform you about recent porting of projects to Cython 3.
Recently, I participated in migration of 3 bigger projects to Cython 3:

* Scipy - scipy main branch is currently compilable with Cython 3 with test
suite passing. Cython 3 master branch is used in CI to ensure that all
changes are compatible with Cython 3.
* Pandas - pandas library is compilable with Cython 3, the test suite is
passing except one test case (not caused by Cython in my opinion) -
* scikit-image - library is compilable with Cython 3 (test suite was not
run though)

When migrating to Cython 3, I was able to find out several issues in the
Cython, all of them are merged in master now. Hence, I would like to ask
about next steps. It would help greatly to release Cython 3 beta3. This
will allow me to pin scipy CI to real pre-release instead of master branch.

Moreover, I would like to ask whether we can do the final Cython 3 release
after beta 3. The rationale is that the projects won't start really using
Cython 3 until we do the final release. Now, we have 3 big users of Cython
migrated, hence I think we have some confidence that Cython 3 is ready.
What do you think?


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