[Cython] Is a Cython 0.29.33 release around the corner?

Daniele Nicolodi daniele at grinta.net
Thu Nov 24 10:05:08 EST 2022


I've seen some activity that may hint toward an upcoming Cython 0.29.33 
release. This release will include the depfile support. Meson included 
native support for compiling Cython code and having support for depfiles 
would enable it to correclty rebuild the Cython artifacts when any of 
the dependencies change. SciPy is leading the way in the scientific 
Python community for a switch from setuptools to Meson as build system. 
The depfile support would simplify this transition.

Meson is moving toward an 1.0 release at the beginning of December. It 
would be awesome if this release could come with Cython dependency 
tracking support.

Is there an expected release date for Cython 0.29.33?  Is there anything 
that can be done to help with getting the release out of the door?

Thank you.


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