[Cython] How best to contribute

Matti Picus matti.picus at gmail.com
Fri Feb 26 03:03:02 EST 2021


I would like to start contributing in a meaningful way to Cython on the 
order of ~1 day a week, within the framework of the time allocated to me 
from my employer (Quansight Labs) toward open source contributions. Over 
time, my goal is push for an HPy[0] backend for Cython, but I also want 
to help the project move forward toward an official 3.0 release and in 
general to help out where needed.

So working backwards:

What are the immediate pain points that I could help out with in general?

How can I help with the 3.0 release (there are issues marked as 
"blockers", are all of them truly critical)?

And, in the long term, is there a way to start designing a new backend 
for HPy?

I would also like to suggest that Cython hold monthly open "developer 
calls" where people can meet face-to-face (on zoom) to work out 
priorities and triage particularly difficult issues or PRs. I would be 
happy to try to set this up (mainly to negotiate a time that would work) 
if you-all think it is a good idea and would contribute more than it 
would distract.



[0] HPy [https://hpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest]

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