[Cython] New organisation of the docs

Gabriel de Marmiesse gabrieldemarmiesse at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 15:35:26 EDT 2018


After some time spent on the docs, I noticed quite some duplicates, and
also that sometime, going through many pages is needed to gather bits of
information about a subject (eg. compilation, interacting with C code,
extension types...).

I propose to break the previous splitting  tutorial / userguide in favor to
a structure "by topic", which would allow us to:

- spot documentation duplicates easily,
- making navigation easier for the users
- ultimately avoid the hassle of "I want to use learn Numpy with Cython,
should I go to   "Working with Numpy", "Typed memoryviews" or "Cython for
Numpy users".

Of course I would mean fusing some pages together and reorganizing some
things inside the pages, creating new ones... But for the moment, I would
like to just focus about sections names and what pages we put inside.

It's a quick grouping, I'm looking for feedback, feel free to change it
(especially the names):

Getting Started:
 - Cython - an overview
 - Installing Cython
 - Installing MinGW on windows
 - Building Cython code
 - Faster code via static typing
 - Basic tutorial
 - Language basics (from users guide)
 - Language basics (from Reference Guide)

Working with C:
 - calling C functions
 - Using C libraries
 - Interfacing with external C code
 - Unicode and passing strings
 - Memory allocation
 - Using C++ in Cython

Language features:
 - Tutorial on extension types (aka. cdef classes).
 - Extension types (from Users guide)
 - Extension types (from Reference guide)
 - Special methods of extension types
 - pxd files
 - pure python mode
 - early bindings for speed
 - Fused types (Templates)
 - Porting Cython code to PyPy
 - Using parallelism
 - Pythran as a Numpy backend

Things to watch out for:
 - caveats
 - limitations
 - differences between Cython and Pyrex

 - Source files and compilation
 - Compilation
 - sharing declarations between Cython modules
 - profiling
 - Debugging your Cython program

Interacting efficiently with python:
 - Working with Numpy
 - Working with Python arrays
 - Typed memoryviews
 - Implementing the buffer protocol
 - Cython for Numpy Users

to be named:
 - Further reading
 - Related work

Reference Guide:
 - Interfacing with Other Code
 - Special Mention
 - Limitations
 - Compiler Directives
 - Indices and tables

Gabriel de Marmiesse
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