[Cython] BUG: cannot override cdef by cpdef method in .pxd

Jeroen Demeyer jdemeyer at cage.ugent.be
Wed Jul 27 11:34:40 EDT 2016


I recently learned from Robert Bradshaw that it is legal in Cython to 
override cdef methods by cpdef methods. But doing this in a .pxd file 
causes a compile-time error:


cdef class Base(object):
     cdef meth(self):

cdef class Derived(Base):
     cpdef meth(self):


cdef class Base(object):
     cdef meth(self)

cdef class Derived(Base):
     cpdef meth(self)

This gives (both on 0.24.1 and on master):

Error compiling Cython file:
cdef class Base(object):
     cdef meth(self):
         return self

cdef class Derived(Base):
     cpdef meth(self):

foo.pyx:6:10: 'meth' already defined

As second attempt, I could simply not declare the cpdef method in the 
.pxd file. Just use

cdef class Derived(Base):

This compiles, but leads to bugs with broken vtabs. I am omitting the 
complete code here, but it's clear why this cannot work: other modules 
get the vtab wrong since they don't know about the cpdef slot.


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