[Cython] Bug: llabs not defined in vs2008

Hogan, Christopher christopher.hogan at intel.com
Wed Sep 30 00:03:00 CEST 2015


I was trying to compile numpy v1.9.2 with Visual Studio 2008 and Cython 0.23.1.  This worked fine with Cython 0.22.x, but in 0.23.1 there are some changes in Cython/Utility/TypeConversion.c that seem to cause this error:

mtrand.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol llabs referenced in function __pyx_pf_6mtrand_11RandomState_24 choice

llabs is not available in vs2008, but it ends up taking that "#elif" branch in TypeConversion.c and defining __Pyx_sst_abs to be llabs.  I was able to fix this by swapping the order of the "#elif defined (_MSC_VER) ..."  block with the "#elif defined (__STDC_VERSION__) ... " block.  That probably won't fix the problem in all cases though.


Chris Hogan
Scripting Tools Engineer
Scripting, Analyzers and Tools
Intel Corporation

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