[Cython] Store list of imported modules in .so file

Kevin Norris nykevin.norris at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 12:13:42 EST 2015

On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 12:50 PM, Hartmut Goebel
<h.goebel at crazy-compilers.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a core-developer for PyInstaller. We would like to enhance cython
> support in PyInstaller and resolve dependencies of cython-compiled
> modules automatically. This would ease freezing cython modules with
> PyInstaller a lot and thus help users including cythonized-modules into
> their shipped application.
> For us, the most elegant way to get the dependencies would be to have
> the list of imported modules in the .so-file. E.g. some simple string
> marked by some cookie which is easily grepped out of the binary.
> Is there any chance to get suche a list into the .so/.dll-file?

Import statements are "just code."  They can appear inside functions
and more generally can occur at runtime.  In the absolute worst case,
you could have something like (Python 3.x):

    importlib.import_module(input('What should I import today?'))

This is not specific to Cython, but I imagine it's a lot harder to
pull out via static analysis when you don't have Python-like source
(see also: pkgutil.get_data(), any use of __file__, etc.).  OTOH, if
you're dealing with importlib et al., you're already in a bad place
for static analysis since people can do things like:

    import importlib as foo; bar = foo.import_module; baz = bar('qux')

(which is roughly equivalent to import qux as baz, but good luck
spotting it automatically)

Anyway, I think it might help to clarify what *exactly* you mean by
"dependency."  If you mean "any module that might possibly get
imported by module X," you're going to have a hard time with this.
Setuptools takes a fully manual approach to this problem, requiring
developers to explicitly list all dependencies.  That may not work for
your needs, but it does seem to be more flexible since it lets you
specify PEP 440 version constraints.

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