[Cython] candidate for bug fix release 0.22.1

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Sat Jun 6 09:54:49 CEST 2015

Hi everyone,

here is a release candidate for the upcoming bug fix release 0.22.1.



cdf6726d3717351b7d4845f7b3853c3f  Cython-0.22.1rc1.tar.gz
e480ddd0f45289e22ea624f530116719  Cython-0.22.1rc1.zip

Here's the changelog:


Please give it some testing and report success or failure, especially on
less tested platforms like MS-Windows. Being a bug-fix release, it
shouldn't break anything but improve the stability and compatibility of the
current release series.

As soon as this release is out (hopefully within a couple of days), we'll
start preparing the next major feature release 0.23. Here's a teaser:



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