[Cython] 0.18 beta 1 released

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Sat Jan 19 21:00:34 CET 2013


here's the first (and hopefully last) beta of Cython 0.18. Please give it a
try. The final release is expected to follow soon.



This is a feature release with the following changes:

* Named Unicode escapes ("\N{...}") are supported.

* Python functions/classes provide the special attribute "__qualname__"
  as defined by PEP 3155.

* Added a directive ``overflowcheck`` which raises an OverflowException
  when arithmetic with C ints overflows.  This has a modest performance
  penalty, but is much faster than using Python ints.

* Calls to nested Python functions are resolved at compile time.

* Type inference works across nested functions.

* ``py_bytes_string.decode(...)`` is optimised.

* C ``const`` declarations are supported in the language.

Have fun,


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