[Cython] PR on refcounting memoryview buffers

Sturla Molden sturla at molden.no
Wed Feb 20 11:55:51 CET 2013

Den 18. feb. 2013 kl. 19:32 skrev Sturla Molden <sturla at molden.no>:

> The problem this addresses is when GCC does not use atomic builtins and emits __synch_fetch_and_add_4 and __synch_fetch_and_sub_4 when Cython are internally refcounting memoryview buffers. For some reason it can even happen on x86 and amd64.

Specifically, atomic builtins are not used when compiling for i386, which is MinGWs default target architecture (unless we specify a different -march). GCC will always encounter this problem when targeting i386.

Thus the correct fix is to use fallback when GCC is targeting i386 — not when GCC is targeting MS Windows. 

So I am closing this PR. But Mark's fix must be corrected, because it does not really address the problem (which is i386, not MinGW)! 


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