[Cython] Problem with final cdef methods

Vitja Makarov vitja.makarov at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 07:30:36 CEST 2013

2013/8/29 Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml at behnel.de>:
> Hi,
> I noticed two problems with final cdef methods. When overriding a normal
> cdef method with a final cdef method, you currently get a C compiler
> warning about a call with the wrong 'self' type, and when you call them
> before you declare them in your code, you get an error because the method
> is not forward declared.
> http://trac.cython.org/cython_trac/ticket/819
> I think this suggests that we should try to come up with a cleaner way to
> integrate this feature into the function overloading architecture rather
> than just remembering their cname and call that.

Hi Stefan,

+1, current final implementation isn't clear enough and seems to be a hack to me


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