[Cython] patch for #655

Felix Salfelder felix at salfelder.org
Mon Aug 5 11:32:07 CEST 2013

On Fri, Aug 02, 2013 at 10:36:48PM -0700, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
> > its bearable, and it's just automake. manually created makefiles are not
> > affected. why does cython use .pyx for two different things? what would
> > be the canonical extension for C++ cython files? i've chosen to use .pyxx,
> > any better options?
> Though there are some features only available with C++, I don't
> consider this "two different things" as the similarities far, far
> outweigh the differences.

well, there are two build chains .pyx->.c->.so and .pyx->.cc->.so.
without additional information, you cannot tell how to resolve
.pyx->.so. usually (outside distutils) there's a tendency towards using
different suffixes for different purposes.

> To expand on what Stefan wrote, distutils automatically figures out
> the flags, linker options, headers, etc. to make an extension
> compatible with that specific Python on your system, which one would
> either have to do manually or "extract" from distutils otherwise.

this has already been implemented (outside and without and before
distutils). see [1] for how it may work for python extensions. it a bit
beyond the scope of cython and really beyond the scope of my proposed


[1] www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/html_node/Python.html

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