[Cython] planning for 0.17

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Tue Jun 26 22:36:51 CEST 2012


I'd like to get an idea of what's still open for 0.17.

Mark mentioned some open memoryview issues on his list and I know that
there are still issues with PyPy, some of which could get fixed in a
reasonable time frame. Also, Jenkins isn't all that happy yet.


What's the current state of the master branch for everyone? Anything that
you're working on and/or that you think should go in but isn't yet?

I would like to see 0.17 released some time next month, if possible. I
don't currently see any real blockers, so that might be doable.

The release notes look ok so far, but the bug tracker list is really short
in comparison. Please add to both as you see fit.




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