[Cython] non-template nested C++ classes

Simon Anders anders at embl.de
Thu Jan 19 21:10:47 CET 2012


I'm currently experimenting with Cython's support for nested C++ classes 
and might havce encountered a bug.

I have attempted to strip down the example from the documentation to its 
bare minimum. This here works fine:

cdef extern from "foo":
     cdef cppclass outer[T]:
         cppclass inner:

cdef outer[int].inner foo

Next, I remove the template parameter as well. After all, not every 
outer class containing an inner class is a template class.

cdef extern from "foo":
     cdef cppclass outer:
         cppclass inner:

cdef outer.inner foo

Now, I get this error message:
    'outer' is not a cimported module

It seems that without the square brackets, Cython no longer recognizes 
'outer' as a class name and thinks it must be a module because it is 
followed by a dot. I suppose this is not what should happen, right?

Best regards

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