[Cython] OpenCL support

mark florisson markflorisson88 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 11:21:53 CET 2012

On 6 February 2012 07:22, Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml at behnel.de> wrote:
> mark florisson, 06.02.2012 00:12:
>> On 5 February 2012 22:39, Dimitri Tcaciuc wrote:
>>> 3. Does it make sense to make OpenCL more explicit? Heuristics and
>>> automatic switching between, say, CPU and GPU is great for eg. Sage
>>> users, but maybe not so much if you know exactly what you're doing
>>> with your machine resources. E.g just having a library with thin
>>> cython-adapted wrappers would be awesome. I imagine this can be
>>> augmented by arrays having a knowledge of device-side/client-side
>>> (which would go towards addressing the issue 1. above)
>> Hm, there are several advantages to supporting this in the language.
> ... and there's always the obvious disadvantage of making the language too
> complex and magic to learn and understand. Worth balancing.

Definitely. This would however introduce very minor changes to the
language (no new syntax at least, just a few memoryview methods), but
more major changes to the compiler. The support would mostly be
Clyther (http://srossross.github.com/Clyther/) is a related project,
which does a similar thing by compiling python (bytecode) to opencl.
What I want for Cython is something even more transparent, the user
wouldn't perhaps even know opencl was involved, and the compiler has
more control over how data is handled.

> Stefan
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