[Cython] CEP1000: Native dispatch through callables

Dag Sverre Seljebotn d.s.seljebotn at astro.uio.no
Tue Apr 17 15:20:09 CEST 2012

On 04/17/2012 03:16 PM, Stefan Behnel wrote:
> Dag Sverre Seljebotn, 17.04.2012 14:53:
>> Is bytes a vararg object or does it wrap a char*?
> The data is stored internally in all CPython versions. Note that access to
> it may not be efficient in other Python implementations, but at least PyPy
> would also have a problem with providing a non-reference counted char*
> value (unless they let it live forever, that is...).

Are there any implications for PyPy as the *caller* w.r.t. a bytes 
object or a char*? E.g. if it wants to parse the format string and JIT a 


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