[Cython] Control Flow

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Sat May 28 13:50:43 CEST 2011

Vitja Makarov, 28.05.2011 13:48:
> 2011/5/28 Stefan Behnel<stefan_ml at behnel.de>:
>> Vitja Makarov, 28.05.2011 11:48:
>>> 2011/5/28 Robert Bradshaw:
>>>> On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 7:27 AM, Vitja Makarov wrote:
>>>>> I've recently fixed some issues:
>>>>>   - closure variables were not tracked
>>>>>   - scoped expression variables were initialized to None
>>>>> So, I should fix broken tests, here are some of them:
>>>>> nogil (should be fixed)
>>>>> purecdef (upstream)
>>>>> cfunc_directive_in_pyclass (upstream)
>>>>> bufaccess_noassignT444 (should be removed?)
>>>>> bufaccess (should be fixed)
>>>>> ass2longlong (should be fixed)
>>>>> builtinfuncs (should be fixed)
>>>>> extcmethcall (should be fixed)
>>>>> extcoerce (fixed or removed?)
>>>> Unless you see this code being exercised elsewhere (a run test would
>>>> be better her anyways) it's an easy fix that should be done.
>>>>> e_extweakref (should be fixed)
>>> I've fixed all the tests.
>> Cool.
>>> Now I see this strange error in py2.4:
>>> https://sage.math.washington.edu:8091/hudson/view/cython-vitek/job/cython-vitek-tests-py24-c/lastCompletedBuild/testReport/(root)/CythonCompileTestCase/compiling__c__w_uninitialized_py3/
>>> *****************
>>> compiling (c) w_uninitialized_py3
>>> === Expected errors: ===
>>> 7:11: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment
>>> 13:11: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment
>>> === Got errors: ===
>>> 7:9: undeclared name not builtin: print
>>> 7:11: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment
>>> 13:11: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment
>> I guess that's
>> http://trac.cython.org/cython_trac/ticket/69
>> In short, print() still isn't supported before Py2.6. I'd just disable that
>> test in older Python versions for now.
> I've replaced print() with dummy ref(obj) function

Ok, I think we're done then, right? Anything else to do before merging it back?


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