[Cython] C stack based coroutines (was: local variable handling in generators)

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Mon May 23 08:40:16 CEST 2011

Dag Sverre Seljebotn, 22.05.2011 21:48:
> Keep in mind that if speed is the objective, another idea is to use real C
> coroutines. This would likely be faster than anything we can make up
> ourselves; a single stack jump is bound to be faster than copying things in
> and out of the stack.
> Of course, probably more work. And then portability as the API is seperate
> for Windows (fibers) and POSIX (makecontext). But I don't think there's a
> lack of compatability layer libraries which unite the platform-specific APIs.

What if we have to call back into CPython? Would that work if the call ends 
up on a different stack than previous ones? What about CPython thread 
switches and signal handlers?

Wikipedia has a couple of things to say about coroutines in C:


including links to some libraries that are supposed to be portable:






Overall, I think this has some potential but also major uncertainties. And 
it's a substantially larger change than making local variables C variables. 
May have made a good GSoC topic...


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