[Cython] GSoC Proposal - Reimplement C modules in CPython's standard library in Cython.

Sturla Molden sturla at molden.no
Sun Apr 17 20:24:11 CEST 2011

Den 17.04.2011 20:07, skrev Arthur de Souza Ribeiro:
> I've profilled the module I created and the module that is in Python 
> 3.2, the result is that the cython module spent about 73% less time 
> then python's one, the output to the module was like this (blue for 
> cython, red for python):

The number of function calls are different. For nested_dict, you have 
37320 calls per second for Cython and 59059 calls per second for Python. 
I am not convinced that is better.


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