[Cython] prange CEP updated

mark florisson markflorisson88 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 20:42:13 CEST 2011

On 14 April 2011 20:29, Dag Sverre Seljebotn <d.s.seljebotn at astro.uio.no> wrote:
> On 04/13/2011 11:13 PM, mark florisson wrote:
>> Although there is omp_get_max_threads():
>> "The omp_get_max_threads routine returns an upper bound on the number
>> of threads that could be used to form a new team if a parallel region
>> without a num_threads clause were encountered after execution returns
>> from this routine."
>> So we could have threadsvailable() evaluate to that if encountered
>> outside a parallel region. Inside, it would evaluate to
>> omp_get_num_threads(). At worst, people would over-allocate a bit.
> Well, over-allocating could well mean 1 GB, which could well mean getting an
> unecesarry MemoryError (or, like in my case, if I'm not careful to set
> ulimit, getting a SIGKILL sent to you 2 minutes after the fact by the
> cluster patrol process...)
> But even ignoring this, we also have to plan for people misusing the
> feature. If we put it in there, somebody somewhere *will* write code like
> this:
> nthreads = threadsavailable()
> with parallel:
>    for i in prange(nthreads):
>        for j in range(100*i, 100*(i+1)): [...]
> (Yes, they shouldn't. Yes, they will.)
> Combined with a race condition that will only very seldomly trigger, this
> starts to sound like a very bad idea indeed.
> So I agree with you that we should just leave it for now, and do
> single/barrier later.

omp_get_max_threads() doesn't have a race, as it returns the upper
bound. So e.g. if between your call and your parallel section less
OpenMP threads become available, then you might get less threads, but
never more.

> DS
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