[Csv] PEP 305

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Thu Oct 6 04:21:06 CEST 2005

    Moe> When I try to open a csv file from a website, the option to "open
    Moe> this file from its currebt location" is grayed out forcing me to
    Moe> download it to my hard drive in order to view it.

It's an issue for your web browser.  It may or may not allow you to specify
that files ending in '.csv' be opened with either your web browser or
another application.  If the web server maps CSV files to some MIME type
like application/octet-stream you may be out of luck though.

Skip Montanaro
Katrina Benefit Concerts: http://www.musi-cal.com/katrina
skip at pobox.com

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