[Csv] Thoughts about a patch

Magnus Lie Hetland magnus at hetland.org
Sat Mar 13 16:54:04 CET 2004

I guess I just haven't understood the code well enough yet, but in the
parsing code there are comparisons of the type

  if (c == '\n')

I suppose the newlines are normalized versions of lineterminator? In
other words, no matter what the line terminator is, it is safe to
pretend that it has been changed to '\n' in the parsing case
statement? Or? (I mean, I've tried to use lineterminator='|' and that
worked just nicely, but I don't see the use of lineterminator in the
case statement anywhere.)

Magnus Lie Hetland           "The mind is not a vessel to be filled,
http://hetland.org            but a fire to be lighted."  [Plutarch]

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