[Csv] Problems with CSV Module

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Fri Jun 20 17:01:50 CEST 2003

I think most of what Andreas asked about has either been taken care of or
shown not to be useful, however there is this request outstanding:

    Andreas> 4. There is no .readrow()
    Andreas> This should be just another name for .next(). It's more
    Andreas> intuitive if you write a row via .writerow() and read it via
    Andreas> .readrow().

What do people think?  It should be an easy addition for Dave or Andrew, but
I'm not sure it's really needed.  If readrow() is really a synonym for
next() I suppose it should also raise StopIteration upon completion, but
that seems odd.  Is there another reasonable way to signal completion
without raising an exception (say, by returning None or some other
non-sequence value)?


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