[Csv] Re: csv module in Python 2.3

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Mon Jun 9 17:44:20 CEST 2003

I've cc'd the csv mailing list so the other participants can chime in.

    Fred> What I'd like is to know how good you think the test coverage is;
    Fred> is the bulk of the code covered?  

I think it does a pretty good job covering the code, though I didn't write
the tests designed to exercise the underlying C code.

    Fred> Is the documentation fairly complete?  

Yes, I think so.  Obviously, feedback is welcome. ;-)

    Fred> What are the maintenance plans for this code for versions of
    Fred> Python predating 2.3?

I believe the intent is that it should run with 2.2+.  I believe Dave Cole
and Andrew MacNamara, the two primary C code authors, were running it with
2.2 when it was under active development.  It uses iterators, so I believe
it would need some significant surgery to work on 2.1 or earlier.


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