[Csv] Sniffing dialects

Dave Cole djc at object-craft.com.au
Thu Jan 30 00:19:32 CET 2003

>>>>> "Skip" == Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com> writes:

Skip> If my notion of dialects as dicts isn't too far off-base, the
Skip> sniffing code could just return a dict.  That would be a good
Skip> way to define new dialects.  Someone could send us a CSV file
Skip> from a particular application.  We'd turn the sniffer loose on
Skip> it then append the result to our dialects.csv file.

I am all for dialects as attribute only objects.  You get the same
effect as a dict but with less Perlish syntax.

Skip> (A different version of) the sniffer could take an optional
Skip> dialect string as an arg and either use it as the starting point
Skip> (for stuff it can't discern, like hard returns in CSV files
Skip> which don't contain any) or tell you if the input file is
Skip> compatible with that dialect.


- Dave


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