[Csv] trial zip/tar packages of csv module available

John Machin sjmachin at lexicon.net
Thu Feb 13 23:16:51 CET 2003

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003 13:00:36 -0600, Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com> wrote:

> If you are interested in reading or writing CSV files from Python and you
> have Python 2.2 or 2.3 available, please take a moment to download, 
> extract
> and install either or both of the following URLs:
> http://manatee.mojam.com/~skip/csv.tar.gz
> http://manatee.mojam.com/~skip/csv.zip

> The goal is to get this package into Python 2.3, though we've tried to 
> keep
> it working under 2.2.  It uses iterators, so I don't know if it will work
> with anything before 2.2.  The package has been built on Linux and Mac OS 
> X
> at this point.  I think it's been built on Windows though I'm not 
> positive.
> There shouldn't be anything terribly platform-dependent there.

Good news first, whinges at the end of the message :-)

Compiles & installs OK out-of-the-box with Python 2.2, Windows 2000, BCC32 
(Borland 5.5 freebie command-line compiler) -- thanks to revision 1.30 :-)
C:\csv\test>python test_csv.py
*** skipping leakage tests ***
Ran 56 tests in 0.030s

Slurped through a 150Mb CSV file at a reasonable speed without any memory 
leak that could be detected by the primitive method of watching the Task 
Manager memory graph.


"""0.1.1 Module Contents
The csv module defines the following functions.
reader(iterable[, dialect=”excel” ] [, fmtparam])
Return a reader object which will iterate over lines in the given 

Huh? What "given csvfile"?
Need to define carefully what iterable.next() is expected to deliver; a 
line, with or without a trailing newline? a string of 1 or more bytes which 
may contain embedded line separators, either as true separators or as 
(quoted) data? [e.g. iterable could be a generator which uses say 
read(16384)]. I have noticed in the csv mailing list some muttering along 
the lines of "the iterable's underlying file must have been opened in 
binary mode"!? Que?

This might necessitate a FAQ entry:
>>> cr = csv.reader("iterable is string!")
>>> [x for x in cr]
[['i'], ['t'], ['e'], ['r'], ['a'], ['b'], ['l'], ['e'], [' '], ['i'], 
['s'], [' '], ['s'], ['t'], ['r'], ['i'], ['n'], ['g'], ['!']


Does the reader detect any errors at all? E.g. I expected some complaint 
here, instead of silently doing nothing:
>>> import csv
>>> cr = csv.reader(['f1,"unterminated quoted field,f3'])
>>> for x in cr: print x
>>> cr = csv.reader(['f1,"terminated quoted field",f3'])
>>> for x in cr: print x
['f1', 'terminated quoted field', 'f3']
>>> cr = csv.reader(['f1,"unterminated quoted field,f3\n'])
>>> for x in cr: print x

Judging by the fact that in _csv.c '\0' is passed around as a line-ending 
signal, it's not 8-bit-clean. This fact should be at least documented, if 
not fixed (which looks like a bit of a rewrite). Strange behaviour on 
embedded '\0' may worry not only pedants but also folk who are recipients 
of data files created by J. Random Boofhead III and friends.


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