[Csv] Something's fishy w/ Mac line endings...

Andrew McNamara andrewm at object-craft.com.au
Tue Aug 19 04:15:03 CEST 2003

>    Andrew> I think the intention was that by using PyIter_Next, we'd get
>    Andrew> the advantage of the universal EOL support in 2.3 - in which
>    Andrew> case, maybe we should drop our own EOL detection...
>I think we would sacrifice 2.2 compatibility and the ability to set any eol
>besides \n, \r\n or \r.

It's still think it's the right thing to do: there should only be one
line splitting implementation in Python. If the user has conventions
that don't match, they're a) not dealing with a csv file, and b) can
provide their own line iterator (which is a more general solution anyway).

And as there is no separate distribution of the new csv module, the 2.2
compatibility is pretty moot (you'd have to download 2.3 and extract
the module yourself).

Andrew McNamara, Senior Developer, Object Craft

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