[Cryptography-dev] private_key.decrypt painfully slow

momchil at bojinov.info momchil at bojinov.info
Tue Sep 29 16:02:43 EDT 2020



New guy.


Not much of a python dev but I managed to put together some code to
encrypt/decrypt files using RSA

But like the entire fine, not just some intermediate password


public_key.encrypt of 11 Mb ( ~47 000 * 190 byte pieces) file took about 8

private_key.decrypt of the same file took 143 seconds


profiler said 142 of those came from _openssl.EVP_PKEY_decrypt


I m running x64 Python version 3.8.5

And I just installed the cryptography module today through pip


Am I being stupid trying to do this and not go with asymmetric encryption
for the intermediate and go symmetric from there ?




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