[Cryptography-dev] Adding support for custom extension methods

Paul Kehrer paul.l.kehrer at gmail.com
Sat May 19 22:06:30 EDT 2018

Hi Denis,

cryptography releases don't have a formalized process for when we'll
release, but at the moment we expect to ship a release in the next few
weeks. Once that's out you can raise the minimum version requirement in
pyOpenSSL and we can potentially merge your other PR.

I haven't reviewed the custom extensions PR so I can't say if anything else
might be needed, but hopefully a core maintainer can get to it soon-ish.

-Paul (reaperhulk)

On May 18, 2018 at 9:28:49 AM, Denis Lila via Cryptography-dev (
cryptography-dev at python.org) wrote:

Hi everyone.

I'm trying to add support for custom extensions
in pyopenssl. I have two PRs that implement this:

   1. PR4202 <https://github.com/pyca/cryptography/pull/4202> in
   2. PR749 <https://github.com/pyca/pyopenssl/pull/749> in pyca/pyopenssl

4202 was merged about one month ago. 749 is waiting to be reviewed. It also
depends on 4202 so that needs to be released first.

How does the release process work for pyca/cryptography? Can we create a
2.2.3 release that includes PR4202?

Thank you,
Cryptography-dev mailing list
Cryptography-dev at python.org
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