[Cryptography-dev] pyOpenSSL: non-blocking socket support

Nikolaus Rath Nikolaus at rath.org
Tue Jun 28 12:24:54 EDT 2016

On Jun 28 2016, Vladimir Didenko <vladimir.didenko-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org> wrote:
> 2016-06-28 2:07 GMT+03:00 Nikolaus Rath <Nikolaus-BTH8mxji4b0 at public.gmane.org>:
>> Hello,
>> IIAC, when using the standard library's ssl module, the following can
>> happen (distilled from http://bugs.python.org/issue22499):
> I read this issue and it looks like I misunderstood you question.
>> If I understand correctly, this is because the ssl module does not
>> actually implement the 'struct iostate' state machinery required by
>> OpenSSL and instead just blindly raises SSLWantRead/SSLWantWrite.
> And it shouldn't implement it. It is task for user to handle IO state.

Is there a reason not to implement it in the pyOpenSSL layer, though?

>> Can someone tell me how pyOpenSSL supports non-blocking socket? Does it
>> also require the caller to maintain struct iostate, or does it allow to
>> work with just SSLWantRead/Write and select()?
> Doesn't differ from standard ssl module.
> Resume: you can use nonblocking ssl socket with standard ssl module and
> PyOpenSSL. Though it requires some work from you (but it is not hard!).

I don't understand why everyone using it would have to re-implement the
same functionality. Would you be interested in a patch that adds this to


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