[Cryptography-dev] Interested in your CI Experience

Augustina Ragwitz aragwitz.lists at pobox.com
Fri Dec 9 13:28:39 EST 2016

I'm working on a project with a group of folks from the Openstack
community called BonnyCI. In a nutshell, we're making the Openstack
Infra CI environment work with Github and making it available for
non-Openstack projects. I've spoken with Donald Stufft privately to see
if you all might want to chat further about your current CI workflow and
he suggested I reach out to the mailing list.  Our big challenge with
BonnyCI is while we know the Openstack needs and use cases, we have
little knowledge outside of that, and we want to make sure what we're
building is actually going to help address any issues folks might be
having wih their current setup. As BonnyCI gets more stable, we'll also
be looking for projects who would be willing to try it out!

If anyone would be interested in talking to me further, I'm happy to
talk on this list, via direct email, IRC, hangouts/skype/etc. I've been
lurking in your IRC channel, so feel free to ping me or message me
directly there (nick: auggy). I don't want this to take too much of your
time (or energy) so I'm open to whatever works for anyone who is
interested in talking to me further.

Augustina Ragwitz
Señora Software Engineer
irc: auggy

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