[Cryptography-dev] gmane?

Paul Kehrer paul.l.kehrer at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 18:19:53 CET 2014

I have no objection to adding the list to gmane. We could do gmane.comp.python.pyca.cryptography (which would also let us have other mailing lists for projects under the PyCA banner in the future).

Matěj, out of curiosity is there any specific reason you’d like us archived there?

On November 20, 2014 at 7:03:23 AM, Matěj Cepl (mcepl at cepl.eu) wrote:

Would it be possible to add this email list to Gmane? I know there is
unfortunately named http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.cryptography
(which is actually PyCrypto), but could some good solution be found?


http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/, Jabber: mcepl at ceplovi.cz
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