[Cryptography-dev] First release -- asymmetric?

Hynek Schlawack hs at ox.cx
Tue Dec 31 00:59:35 CET 2013

On 31 Dec 2013, at 0:01, Alex Gaynor wrote:

> What do people think of the idea of us doing our first release without
> having any asymmetric support?
> The motivation here would be to allow us to get our initial release out
> sooner, addressing the following concerns:
> - pyOpenSSL! (specifically on PyPy)
> - Crypto on py3k and on PyPy
> - GCM support
> - A safe recipe for symmetric encryption.
> What do folks think about this idea?

Actually, why not?  We “just” need to be half-way sure that those points you mentioned don’t change while implementing asymmetric encryption because I’d really not like to break compatibility at any point.
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