[C++-sig] Fail to build Boost Python Tutorial: LNK1120: 55 unresolved externals

Markus Johann Schmidt schmmark at ethz.ch
Mon Mar 18 11:07:15 EDT 2019

Dear all,

I try to learn boost and in particular the Python extension part. But I
am already failing with building the tutorial. I am quite a beginner
with compiling in C++

I use a Win10 64bit System. I have to use VS2015, because for a
proprietary library I have to compile later in msvc120 (64bit). VS2017
is installed on the computer as well.

I tried to following for compilation

 1.  Launch the "Developer Command Prompt for VS2015"
 2. Setting Python environment:
 3. cd C:\Users\schmmark\Downloads\boost_1_69_0\boost_1_69_0
 4. bootstrap.bat (successful)
 5. b2.exe toolset=msvc-14.0 address-model=64 (successful)
 6. cd libs\python\example\tutorial
 7. ..\..\..\..\bjam.exe toolset=msvc-14.0 address-model=64

I modified the Jamfile from tutorial folder and Jamroot from example
folder as can be found in the attachment. I get the error `hello_ext.pyd
: fatal error LNK1120: 55 unresolved externals`
 A complete output of my command prompt is attached as well.

May my problem be

  * wrong import of python library? I try to use a wildcard in lib
    boost_python instead of `boost_python36-vc140-mt-x64-1_69` But the
    error stays the same when I rename it
  * Some issues with 32bit and 64bit detection?
  * Am I missing some imports?

Thanks in advance for your support
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